creative solutions and print
At Fifty Plus Media we understand that all the work that goes into planning and buying is undermined if the copy is wrong in any way. Some parties fall into the trap of providing generic copy. This may be perfect for the slightly younger market but not so for the older market. We ensure that you get the fundamentals right to start with because without that, the most eye catching creative imaginable will fail. For example, have you considered that most 60+ customers would rather fill out a coupon at home than log on and visit a website? Fifty Plus Media gives you advice on such matters that can make all the difference.
We have teamed up with the creative teams at Copeland and Charrington who have been producing successful copy for the last 35 years for 50+ customers. Together we can design and create successful copy for you with advertising messages that will resonate with our audience and achieve excellent results. We can help you with display advertising, inserts, door drop and even catalogues. We know that simplicity is key and advertising messages need to be clear and concise. We know how to connect with our audience with colours and words. More importantly we know how to get them to respond. That’s good for us because successful advertising means more advertising!
Fifty Plus Media not only creates effective and eye catching copy but can also secure lower print costs for you if you decide to use inserts in magazines and third party mailings. (In general, inserts in magazines and third party mailings are three times more effective than display and they are channels that we would strongly recommend.) How are we able to secure lower rates you may ask? Firstly, we print in high volume for a large number of clients so great discounts are to be had. We also have long standing relationships with a wide range of proven printing partners and are not tied down to anyone in particular. We simply choose the right printer for each project to find the most efficient and cost-effective solution that fits your particular specifications. We will advise on shapes, sizes, formats and finishes for this market and secure the best possible deal for you. Why use anyone else?